You, as a financial professional, you know how important it is that things are just right. You want to get rid of those endless discussions whether the numbers are correct, and you do not want to spend your time on checking whether and how the figures consolidate into the ledger data. That is a waste of valuable time, that you rather would like to spend on conversations about the real management issues that help your business.
100% consolidation
The financial map is based on your source data, e.g. your general ledger costs. Fincite sees to it that all these costs are distributed 100% and nothing falls in between. If you put in 100, 100 will come out. Always, down to the cent.
Of course you may have made a mistake when you feed Fincite with business rules. Fincite will notify you automatically, so you will be able to adjust your rules.
Money flows along the roads of the map and makes up the P and a Q at each intersection. Every number on the map has its own breakdown, and can directly and simply be traced back. Underlying costs are just one click away, and their costs another click….. And you are always a few clicks away from the numbers in the ledger.